Mary Faith De Jesus
BSC. MSC. Biological Sciences
Patent Specialist
Faith holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry and Master’s degree in Biological Science and has an over 5 years of experience in Patent Examination at the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHIL) specializing in the fields of Medical Science, Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals. During her stint as an Examiner, she was a part of the group that framed the Biotechnology Patent Examination Guidelines and was one of the mentors in the Training Team for newly hired Patent Examiners in IPOPHIL.
She is highly skilled and speciliases in Patent Searching, evaluating the invention’s newness, inventiveness and industrial applicability, international applications (PCT) as well, where she executes examination as to form and content of the specifications and claims in accordance to the Implementing Rules and Regulations; analyses International Search Reports (ISRs) issued by International Searching Authorities (ISAs); conducts original/additional searches if necessary; and considers most relevant prior art documents cited from ISR in order to construct a comprehensive opinion with regard to its patentability.
She has completed various international Patent-related trainings in the Philippines and other countries including those held by WIPO.