- Registrable Trade Mark
- Distinctive device, monograms, brand, heading, label, ticket, name, signature, word, letter, numeral, shape of goods, packaging or combination of colors or any combination thereof and sound marks.
- Series Mark – Allowed
- Multiple class – Allowed
- Filing international registration under Madrid Protocol – Available
- Application Particulars
- Name of the Mark/Logo/Device prints or representation
- Name, Nationality and Address of the Applicant
- Status of Applicant i.e. company or individual (Manufacturer / Trader )
- Date of first use – if use is claimed, an affidavit of use and documentary evidence must be filed. If unavailable, Statement of Intention to Use must be submitted.
- Specification of the Goods/Services and Class (No Limitation on the number of specification of goods/services).
- Required Forms
Power of attorney simply signed. Must be filed within one (1) month from filing date.
- Publication period
4 months
- Extension of time for responding to Office Action
Allowed with cost
- Registration Protection Period
10 years from filing date
- Renewal
Renewable for a successive period of 10 years. Renewal fees must be paid before the expiry date but not more than 6 months prior to expiry. Late renewals are available normally up to 6 months after expiry date with payment of late fees.
- Time frame for Registration
18 months
- Where Priority is claimed
Certified copy of the Priority Document. If the document is not in English, please provide a translation of the same.